Resources for Parishes

How Parishes Can Promotes Priestly Vocations


 Holy Hours for Vocations. Have a special Holy Hour to pray for priestly and religious vocations.

• Rosary for Vocations. During the rosary mention candidates by name.

• Eucharistic Procession for Vocations. On the Feast of Corpus Christi, consider dedicating your Eucharistic procession to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.


• Workshops for Altar Servers. Teach altar servers about vocational discernment.

• Parish Discernment Groups. Small groups of boys or girls led by parish priest or sister, with help from parents, to help them understand vocations. Consider the Melchizedek Project

• Collaboration with Boy Scout Troops. Scouting has long been a friend of vocation promotions. There is even a special camp at Philmont for boys considering the priesthood.

• Attend ordinations. Coordinate for confirmation students or youth groups to attend an ordination

• Elijah Cup. In this program, a chalice that is used at Mass it brought home by a different family each week. It is kept in a special place by the family, who prays each day for more vocations.

• Children’s Vocation Worksheetfree download 



• Vocations library. Keep a special corner of the vestibule stocked with vocation-related materials.

• Poster/coloring/ essay/video contests. Organize a contest with a vocations theme for students.

• Vocation stories. Invite priests to tell their vocation stories at parish events.

• Web page. Create a page on your parish website with vocation information.

Other Ideas

• Celebrate ordination anniversaries. Honor parish priests and celebrate within the parish and school.

• Support Seminarians. Send greeting cards to each seminarian at the beginning of a new semester,

holidays, exam times, birthdays, ordinations, etc.

• Vocation Director. Invite him to the parish for a weekend, for Mass and a meal with parish families. Contact